Saturday, February 3, 2007

On the first day...

Today is the first day of the rest of our garden's life!
I wanted to keep a diary to see how it progresses and as a reference for next year, and I am hoping that putting it online and having other people see it will spur me on to keep it up to date and keep working. We will post photos of our successes (and failures) and look forward to comments, advice and help from other gardeners.
I am 25 and did a little bit of gardening last year (tomatoes and salads mainly) but I am hoping to spread out a bit more this year. Matthew (my fiance) and I moved into our house a year ago and the garden was a complete be fair it still is, but we are working on it slowly and am hoping it will soon be a space we can enjoy and benefit from. We will have fruit, veg and herbs..and I'm hoping to sneak a few flowers in somewhere too.

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